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Push notifications – benefits of deploying the WINGS Notification Server
Companies looking to reduce SMS costs by implementing Push notifications have several options: in-house development, find and deploy an off-the-shelf solution from a third-party developer and resort to service providers.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each.

How WINGS Notification Server saves money
SMS messages account for the bulk of the money spent on sending out communication to customers. So, in order to reduce messaging costs, you need to reduce the amount of SMS you send. The WINGS Notification Server easily solves this problem. It compares favorably to solutions from competitors, service providers or even your own in-house developments.
Push message delivery rate in Post Bank exceeds 90%
Post Bank has deployed the WINGS Push SDK in its mobile app. This has seen the bank's push message delivery rate exceeding 90%. As a result, the bank has significantly cut the amount of SMS messages sent to its customers, thereby reducing its customer engagement costs.
Why do your Push notifications go undelivered?
Push notifications are not a guaranteed delivery channel. Moreover, the problem companies face when launching Push services on their own lies with the delivery rate, which typically ranges from 50% to 70%. That is, 30% to 50% of messages will either not be delivered at all, or, if the company has the necessary fallback technology, will be re-sent via SMS or other fallback channels.